Seenice company's business: foodwashing equipment, food cuttingequipment, food packagingequipment, steak industrysegmentation, tenderization andmarinating equipment and centralkitchen and distribution center wholeprocess program design and solutionsupporting services. Focus on theprocessing equipment of the centralkitchen and food factory: vegetablecleaning and cutting production line, rhizome cleaning and cuttingproduction line, fruit and vegetablethree-tank washing machine; Frozenmeat slicer, two-dimensional dicing machine, continuous meat shredding machine, continuous meat slicing machine; Refrigeration vacuumtumbling machine, dicing machine, injection machine, cutting machine; strip machine, peeling machine, fasciaremoval machine; Cutters, mixers, meat grinders, bone saws, two-dimensional slicers; dough mixer, chopper, height mixer, high-speedshredder; Vegetable cutting machine, multi-function vegetable cuttingmachine, high-speed shredding machine, high-speed dicing machine, potato peeling machine, potatopeeling machine, high-speed finecutting machine;